ULTRAMAN | Netflix Animated Series

The series follows Shinjiro Hayata, son of the original Ultraman. Shin Hayata of the Scientific Special Search Party saved the Earth from an invasion of Kaju decades earlier, so the world has been at peace. But as a new dark force appears, the world needs a new hero, a new Ultraman. Shinjiro learns that his father passed on the "Ultraman Factor" to him, and that he possesses incredible powers, and now must face the incoming threat.

The larger than life legend who defined a generation, now returns to usher in a new one. All new Ultraman, streaming only on Netflix

An anime adaptation of Eiichi Shimizu and Tomohiro Shiguchi's ULTRAMAN manga is coming in 2019 and will be produced by Production I.G. and Sola Digital Arts.

starting April 1st, 2019!
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